Report Cites Declining Environment as Major Killer
AAP Newsfeed
May 2, 1998
Nationwide General News
Overseas News
by Vicki Allen
According to a report by the United Nations, World Resources Institute, and World Bank, diseases caused by environmental degradation kill one in five children before age five in sub-Sahara Africa and parts of Asia. Many of the pollutants weaken the immune system and make people more vulnerable to bacteria and viruses.
According to Director for Environment, Robert Watson, of the World Bank, the report shows that human health effects of global warming were already occurring with increases in death from vector and water-borne diseases,
Worldwide, almost one-fourth of all diseases are linked to environmental factors of poor water and sanitation, indoor air pollution and outdoor air pollution, as well as deaths from severe storms, flooding, heat waves, and other weather problems.
and vector and water-borne diseases, Vector-borne diseases are spread by insects and rodents.
Malaria, diarrhea, cholera, pesticide poisoning, and respiratory infections from air pollution contributed to 11 million childhood deaths a year, the report said.
"This report amasses credible, convincing evidence that environmental deterioration is not a marginal, but a major cause" of human disease and death, Gus Speth, administrator of the U.N. Development Program, said at a news briefing.
While Speth said the report’s information on the link between the environment and human health "is not dramatically new, it is the extent, the pervasiveness, the scope that is shocking".
The report found the following:
- Almost 4 million children worldwide die each year from acute respiratory infections linked to indoor pollution from smoky cooking fires and other sources, and from outdoor air pollution.
- 1 million to 3 million people, mostly children, die from malaria, a mosquito-borne disease linked to environmental conditions.
- 2.5 million children die from diarrheal disease linked to bad drinking water and other environmental conditions.
- As many as 3.5 million to 5 million people in developing countries each year suffer acute pesticide poisoning from lack of protection during application, and millions more are exposed to dangerous levels of the toxic chemicals.
With the growing gap between the world’s rich and poor, the report found a widening "health gap" in which preventable diseases were concentrated among society’s poorest.
In rapidly industrializing countries, it said the poor might face a dual threat from a lack of adequate sanitation, housing and food, as well as new threats of toxic chemicals and fumes from industries and transportation. Birth defects have been linked to pollutants. In the USA, even the most basic toxicity testing results cannot be found in the public record for nearly 75% of the top-volume chemicals in commercial use. See "Toxic Ignorance".
The poor would also suffer disproportionately from effects of global warming, caused by the accumulation of gases in the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels, which have so far come mostly from richer countries, the health experts said.
The report showed that human health effects of global warming were already occurring with increases in deaths from vector- and water-borne diseases, as well as deaths from more severe storms, flooding, heat waves and other weather maladies, said Robert Watson, the World Bank’s director for environment.
"This report shows the social and economic costs of not protecting the environment are much greater than the costs of protecting it", Watson said.
Additional Sources of Information:
- Weatherization and Indoor Air Quality (blocking entry of dust, microbes, pollen, drafts, etc. and providing fresh filtered air)
- Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
- Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA ) — Environmental information including air pollution, hazardous waste, management, regulations, measuring, modeling, emissions, testing, monitoring, modeling, particulate matter, ozone, and brown-fields.
- Air Quality and Conformity Information Center <> - Information and discussions related to air quality standards (ozone, carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and U.S. Clean Air Act conformity regulations for transportation). Compiled by Fresno (California) Council of Governments.
- AIRLinks - EPA’s Office of Air & Radiation for quick access to "what’s new this week", "breaking news", and "hot topic" air & radiation information. Gateway to Air Pollution Information.
- AIRNOW - U.S. EPA provides real-time air pollution data in an understandable, visual format, information about the public health and environmental effects of air pollution, information about ways they can protect their health, and actions to reduce pollution.
- Atmospheric Research & Information Centre Manchester Metropolitan University’s multidisciplinary centre of excellence for the study and resolution of atmospheric pollution issues. United Kingdom.
- Automobile Emissions: An Overview - U.S. EPA fact sheet.
- California Air Resources Board CA air regulations, CA Almanac of Emissions and Air Quality, air emissions modeling, the gasoline additive MTBE, information on reducing air pollution from marine engines, and management of smoke from agricultural burning.
- Cambridge City Air Quality Monitor - Real-time air quality data for Cambridge, England.
- Canada’s Toxic Release Inventory - Information about releases of pollutants into air, water and land. From Environment Canada.
- Denver Vehicle Emissions Testing Program - Tips to keep from becoming a gross polluter.
- Dust Extraction and Fume Extraction Specialists - Consultants, Designers, Manufacturers and Installers of Dust Extraction, Fume Extraction and Ventilation Systems.
- EDF Chemical Scorecard - Toxic Release Inventory data for the US (emissions of toxic chemicals to air and water). Search for data on toxic chemicals in your community. Also provides information on human health effects.
Leonardo DiCaprio Eco Site
- National Park Service - AIRWeb - Air quality and visibility in U.S. national parks, refuges, & other protected areas. From National Park Service Air Resources Division and Fish and Wildlife Service Air Quality Branch.
- National Safety Council—Air Quality resources - National Safety Council’s Environmental Health Center (EHC) conducts a variety of outreach and education activities on air quality issues. Topics include indoor air quality, mobile emissions, and radon.
- National Science & Technology Council Committee on Environment and Natural Resources - North American Research Strategy for Tropospheric Ozone Research Initiative.
- National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory - U.S. EPA's principal program to control air pollution from motor vehicles. Primary responsibilities include developing programs to reduce mobile source related air pollution; evaluating emission control technology; testing vehicles, engines, and fuels; and determining compliance with Federal emissions and fuel economy standards.
- Network PM10 - Personally-maintained web site devoted to airborne particulate matter (PM). Links to the sources of information on particulate pollution and more generally air pollution.
- New Jersey Department Environmental Protection Bureau of Air Monitoring - Current air quality and forecasts for New Jersey.
- NOAA - Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division - National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration laboratory research activities are divided into three themes: Air Quality, Emergency Preparedness, and Climate Variability. Each encompasses a number of programs and projects.
- Ozone Transport Commission - States working together to reduce ground-level ozone in the northeastern U.S. Located in Washington, DC.
- Parkland Airshed Management Zone Association - Provides information about the PAMZ, a non-profit multi-stakeholder organization established to manage and monitor air quality issues in central Alberta, Canada.
- Particle Counting at TEAM Engineering, Inc. - Solutions to sensing, diagnostic and measurement problems for applications in Clean Manufacturing Environments, Indoor Air Quality, Machine Condition Monitoring and Drinking Water Treatment.
- RGF Environmental, Inc. - Manufacturer of over 500 environmental products. Designs, manufactures and distributes environmental systems that provide pure air, water & food.
- Southern Oxidants Study (SOS) 99 Field Campaign - Research focused on obtaining an improved understanding of the processes that control the formation and distribution of fine particles and ground-level ozone.
- State/Local Air Pollution Control Agencies - The State and Territorial Air Pollution Program Administrators (STAPPA) and the Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officials (ALAPCO) are national associations representing air pollution control agencies in the 54 U.S. states/territories and over 150 major metropolitan areas. Site has information and links.
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